New non-surgical cancer treatment
RFQMR technology utilizes a totally different approach compared to conventional cancer treatments. Instead of the very high frequency ionising radiation used in radiotherapy RFQMR uses radio or sub-radio frequency, low power, non-ionising, non thermal electromagnetic waves.
The main concern of the therapy is not the immediate destruction of the cancer cells, but rather with the help of the small amount of energy provided to the cell to stop the DNA's uncontrolled mitosis, put the cell in a vegetative state and in time through apoptosis mechanism let the body get rid of the cancerous cells in a controlled fashion.
Several clinical studies show that changes in the transmembrane potential of the cells can have dramatic effects on the cell parameters including the ion concentration and more data can be obtained in the Scientific Research Section. RFQMR application helps to increase the transmembrane potential of the cancerous cells from the problematic -20 mV to the healthy -90 mV range. It is believed that the p53 proteins are activated and the uncontrolled mitosis of the cell comes to a halt by the RFQMR application.
Is the treatment painful?
No, the treatment is absolutely painless. Patients can even listen to music, see television or read during the treatment.
What does the treatment cost?
TREATMENT IS FREE TO THOSE THAT CANNOT AFFORD THE COST, you will need to travel to Bangalore India and arrange for your stay, meals and transporation during treatment. We do have accomodations available in Bangalore for $300 USD - this covers your meals and a place to stay for the 29 days of treatment.
All inclusive treatment cost in all other centers is priced by the center, please contact the center directly or email Client Service. In some cases more than one hour of treatment is required per day- if cancer exists in more than one location, in this case charges will be porportionatly more. You will have the option of having hotel, food, local transportation at a fixed additional expense, this is nice local accomodations, food and transporation. You will need to arrange for your travel to the treatment location as well as your trip home and you will need a visa.
Patients interested in treatment should plan at least 15 days in advance, you will need to complete an intake form and request a visa for entering India. The travel to and from treatment is not included in the price nor is any additional procedures requested or required during your stay. All additional charges must be met prior to departure from our facility.
What results have you had with Cytotron Cancer Care?
A phase 1 clinical study has been held at the Institute of Aerospace Medicine in Bangalore India between 2004 and 2006 on more than 100 terminal cancer patients. All patients were undergone all possible conventional interventions such as chemo, radiotherapy or surgery prior to RFQMR and yet the disease cannot be controlled and they are supposed to die within a few days to few months due to cancer. Out of such patients :
- There is a 90% symptomatic relief (such as ease of pain, stop using pain killers, no more weight loss etc)
- In most of the patients the tumor progression is stopped or reversed
- More than 60% survived more than 1 year
- More than 35 % went back to normal lives and living disease free for 2 years
As all of those patients are where terminal cases that had exausted all other treatments, the outcomes of the Cytotron therapy is outstanding. It is believed that in patients who are in a non-terminal situation (in better overall condition, with stronger immune system and has not been subject to the toxic conventional therapies with side effects) the efficacy of Cytotron will be even more pronounced.
1 comment:
More details of the Cytotron RFQMR treatment and its availability for arthritis and cancer can be had from and
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